PATH would not be possible without the investments of time, talent & finances these individuals and organizations have made. Their contributions are a testament to their vision and their commitment to empower small business owners and strengthen communities in Amarillo, the Texas Panhandle, and beyond.
Financial Supporters
Changing communities takes money. We are very thankful that these organizations co-labor with us through their contributions as we work together to develop businesses that will have a lasting positive impact on their communities.
The Amarillo Area Foundation
Amarillo National Bank
Happy State Bank
First Bank Southwest
First United Bank
The United way of Amarillo & Canyon
The Bivins Foundation

PATH Guides
Leadership matters; and the guides that work with PATH clients to help them expand their vision and accomplish their goals are true leaders in the communities we serve. These individuals personally invest in people and they are an integral part of the success of the PATH program. These organizations have provided one or more guides:
Amarillo National Bank
Happy State Bank
First Bank Southwest
First Capital Bank
Resource Contributors & Referral Partners
We are very fortunate to have a network of capable community minded people & organizations that believe in the vision of the PATH program and contribute to the overall success of the program in many different ways.
These organizations and their leadership pray with us and for us, provide meeting & event spaces, help us identify potential clients, encourage us, and hold us accountable to continue to do good work. This is our tribe and we couldn't do this work without them.

Get Involved
If you would like to support the PATH program we welcome your involvement and your contribution of time, talent or resources. Select how you would like to be involved below and then fill out the information requested so we know how to plug you in and make the best use of your contribution..